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Watford Junction to Milton Keynes
Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central - Downloads
Please read through this page carefully; should a problem arise, the answer may be found in here somewhere...

Important Notes

The Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central BVE route has undergone testing in BVE2, and as such BVE2 is strongly recommended for running this route. The route has not been tested thoroughly with BVE1, or optimised for it, and consequently performance will not be as good in BVE1 as in BVE2!

The route uses a large number of objects, necessary to re-create the various bridges, station buildings and catenary details; not to mention the scenery, tunnels and 3D trains. This, combined with the fact that the route has 4 tracks throughout most of it's length, means the route may be a little more demanding than some other routes. Many of the objects are well optimised however, and as simple as possible. Station areas may slow down your framerate, due to the level of detail.

The routes are available in several 'detail levels'. These are Low, Standard, Medium and High detail. The Low Detail route is for slower machines, and loads far fewer trees. These use transparency which can hamper performance on low end machines. The Standard Detail and above routes contain full scenic detail, including trees. The Standard Detail route contains all the detail you'd expect from a good BVE route, and should be considered the 'mainstream' or 'official' version of the route.

The Medium and High Detail routes feature very realistic and detailed catenary. These catenary objects are optimised as much as possible through various techniques, but a faster processor and a good 3D accelerator such as a GeForce2 will be needed for good performance.

In the Low, Standard and Medium detail routes, all textures are 256x256 pixels or less, and all are 8-bit, 256 colour bitmaps also. The High Detail route uses textures larger than 256x256 pixels to represent the 'sagging' catenary wires, so will only display correctly with high quality graphics cards, for example the GeForce range. If you choose to install the High Detail add-on, take a look at 'HighDetail_Catenary.txt' in your 'BVE\Railway\Object\WCML_WJ-MKC\' folder for details on using 3D objects rather than textures to represent the wires.

The Route Files

If the route has been installed successfully (details on this further down) you should have a new 'WJ-MKC_Standard' folder in your 'BVE\Railway\Route' folder. In this folder, the following route files can be found:
  • LowDetail_310_Summer.rw
  • LowDetail_310_Winter.rw
  • LowDetail_87_Summer.rw
  • LowDetail_87_Winter.rw
  • StandardDetail_310_Summer.rw
  • StandardDetail_310_Winter.rw
  • StandardDetail_87_Summer.rw
  • StandardDetail_87_Winter.rw
In the 'WJ-MKC_HighDetail' folder, can be found another 8 route files:
  • HighDetail_310_Summer.rw
  • HighDetail_310_Winter.rw
  • HighDetail_87_Summer.rw
  • HighDetail_87_Winter.rw
  • MediumDetail_310_Summer.rw
  • MediumDetail_310_Winter.rw
  • MediumDetail_87_Summer.rw
  • MediumDetail_87_Winter.rw

The timetables included with WJ-MKC are based on timings recorded while driving this route, and while they are close to reality, there may be some differences. With the Class 87 diagram for example, the departure time in the route may not reflect any real West Coast timetable, as not all Intercity services call at both Watford Junction and Milton Keynes in reality.

Driving the Class 87

Click here to read a short guide on driving the Class 87 included with WJ-MKC. Note that Neutral Sections have now been added to the route, so read the guide for information regarding these.

The Official Guide to WJ-MKC

There is an official guide to Watford Junction - Milton Keynes Central, prepared and compiled by Matt Starkie. The guide is invaluable as it lists all the mileages of signals and major landmarks, which will increase your route knowledge and also aid realism as you drive! Please visit Matt's Rail By Rail site to download the Official Guide.

Rail by Rail - Home to the Offical Guide to WJ-MKC
Using Other Trains with the Route

If you would like to use a train other than the Class 87 or Steve Green's Class 310 (Steve's great cl. 43 HST for example), please note that the track and 'passing train' sounds may not work correctly with the alternative train. I would recommend making a WJ-MKC specific copy of the other train's folder, and copy the 'Run*.wav' files from the 87 folder ('BVE\Train\87_wj-mkc') to the other trains' folder, to ensure that the correct track sounds are played. Passing another train could sound odd otherwise!

© Copyright Issues

The route package is provided as freeware, however if you would like to use any files from the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central folders (including, but not limited to: .B3D, .BMP, .CFG, .CSV, .DAT, .GIF, .WAV, .TXT format files), then please read my Terms and Conditions, and then send me an e-mail to seek permission first - I can be contacted via the Contact page. Permission to use material is granted on a per-file basis, which can be agreed via e-mail. If you wish to modify any B3D object, bitmap, or any other type of file from the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central folders, then you should seek permission to make any changes first, and once the changes are agreed you should ensure the original copyright header is left intact at the start of the file - if you use the B3D-CSV Converter this utility will strip out my headers - you must re-insert them or contact me for assistance. Your name may also be added to the header to reflect any work you have done with the object. Finally, credit should be clearly given for any individual files or groups of files which are used, in the form of my name and a link back to my website [www.railsimroutes.co.uk], in any "Readme", beside any screenshot or collection of screenshots featuring significant portions of my work, and on any download page.

Please also note, that this route and train combination is freeware, however no material contained within the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central or associated train folders may be distributed on disk, CD, or any other medium without my prior written permission, and if permission is granted then all Readme HTML, GIF and TXT files should be retained with the route in an unmodified form. The material contained within the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central and associated train folders may not be sold at any price or for profit under any circumstances.

Not all files contained within the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central route are my own work - some files have been used with permission from other authors. To use these files permission must be obtained from myself and the original author. Please see the route documentation for details of these specific files.

Please see "Readme.txt" in your "BVE\Railway\Object\WCML_WJ-MKC\" folder after installation, for more details.

If you want to use any of my work, or the work of other BVE developers in your own add-ons, please read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start on your own projects. This will help you to avoid any accidental breaches of copyright, or other such trouble.

BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
For responsible BVE Development


Many people have helped during the development of the route, however thanks goes to the following in particular:

Paul Robins
For taking the time to create the Class 87 'Train.dat' file and providing various sounds for use with the loco, for his help and support, and for providing invaluable route data. Also for extensive testing of WJ-MKC, and checking the 'present day' route for inaccuracies.
Robert Glass For his support, for offering immensely helpful advice and assistance, for kindly improving and optimising a number of WJ-MKC objects, and for allowing some of the textures and objects from the great Sandymill routes to be adapted for WJ-MKC. Also for tirelessly testing the numerous revisions of the route extensively!
Steve Green For his assistance during much of WJ-MKC's development, testing of the route on several occasions, allowing modification of files from Southern Electric, for allowing his excellent Class 310 EMU to be used with WJ-MKC, and also for allowing use of the 'slamming door' and 'HST scream' sounds.
Alastair Ribbands For his support during the building of the route, for assistance in supplying additional route data, for checking line speeds in the 'present day' route versions, and also for checking the route for other errors.
Alan Carter For offering extensive assistance and feedback, during almost the entire development of WJ-MKC; for kindly helping with a great deal of route testing, and for his encouragement with regard to improving the quality of the route.
Andy Martin For his assistance during the development of WJ-MKC, for testing various ideas for the route, and for testing the route itself several times.
Simon Reader For extensive testing of ideas for the route, and useful advice and suggestions.
Alex Totney For his support, for kindly testing the route as it evolved, and for offering useful feedback and advice.
David OMalley For thoroughly testing the route, and providing detailed feedback.
James Withers For taking the time to test the route as well, and for offering helpful feedback.
Brian Lowe For his help in testing the route also.
Barney of Crotrainz For his help during the development of WJ-MKC, and of course for putting up with the original WJ-MKC demo for so long!
Jason Morgan For kindly testing WJ-MKC.
Alan Perryman Also for testing the route, on more than one occasion.
Tom Fisher For testing the route also, and providing feedback.

And thanks goes to anyone else who's been involved at any point!

Downloads - Route and Train(s)

Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central File Downloads - v1.1
Information Here, the Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central route, object and train files can be downloaded. The download features the Summer and Winter versions of the route in all detail levels, including Class 87 and Class 310 diagrams.

Different "Texture Patches" are available for different video cards to give better visuals with specific hardware, and the "GeForce Textures" are now included as standard in the main download, and are ready for use without the use of patches. You should also use the default GeForce textures if you use an ATi graphics card.

If you use a Voodoo or TNT2 graphics card, you should install the "Voodoo Texture Patch" to obtain better looking catenary and fencing.

If you're not sure which textures you should use, than simply try the route twice with the GeForce and Voodoo textures installed, and see which gives the best visual effect - on your PC the route should look as close to the screenshots on this site as possible.

Installation: Simply run the self-extracting archives, and choose the folder in which BVE2 is installed ('C:\Program Files\BVE' by default). Click the 'Install' button, and all the files will be extracted to their correct locations within your BVE folder. Note that the directory structure contained within the archives is configured for BVE2.

And remember - to get the best performance from the route, ensure that BVE is closed and restarted before loading or switching between any WJ-MKC routes! Restarting Windows prior to loading the routes might also be wise...

BVE Track Sound Standard [BVETSS] Compliant - Click for more details BVE Track Sound Standard Compliant

Object Files
Objects, textures, markers, and Readme.
Route Files (357KB) Routes files, all detail levels (Summer/Winter, cl. 87/310 diagrams) [Updated 05/06/2002]
Sound Files (484KB) Sound files for all route variations.
Class 87 (693KB) Class 87 locomotive, which now includes full height 480x440 cab graphics and animation! You need BVE version 2.03.0008 for the new class 87 to work. [Updated 05/06/2002]

If you experience problems with the new full height cab graphics, such as reduced framerates, or you're still using an older version of BVE, then you can download the original panel here.

Class 310 (1.5MB) Steve Green's Class 310, with track sounds adapted for use with WJ-MKC. [Updated 05/06/2002]

Want to use any of my files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms and Conditions first, and then read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
For responsible BVE Development

Rail Sim Routes UK

Rail by Rail - Home to the Offical Guide to WJ-MKC

Don't forget the official WJ-MKC guide, compiled by Matt Starkie, and available from his Rail By Rail site
Note - the developer retains the copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the 'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail.

WJ-MKC Replacement Texture Patches
Information Please download the texture patch which is most appropriate for your video card. Please note, the "GeForce/ATi Textures" are already included in the main download, they are merely available seperately for your convenience. If you use a Voodoo or TNT2 graphics card, you should install the "Voodoo Texture Patch" to obtain better looking catenary and fencing.

The choice of textures used depends on your video hardware; the way transparent textures are displayed by different cards can affect the way such details as catenary cantilievers and wire fencing are displayed in BVE. If the wrong textures are used, such details as catenary headspans, signal cages, or signal ladders may not appear, or seem invisible. Alternatively, the catenary may appear 'blocky', with the lines appearing much thicker than they should be. Choosing the correct texture patch should solve most of these problems, and ideally on your machine, the route should look as close as possible to the relevant WJ-MKC screenshots on this site.
GeForce/ATi Textures
'Replacement GeForce/ATi Transparency Textures' - for ALL route versions. For use with GeForce and ATi cards.
Voodoo/TNT2 Textures (493KB) 'Replacement Voodoo/TNT2 Transparency Textures' - for ALL route versions. For use with Voodoo and TNT2 cards.

Want to use any of my files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms and Conditions first, and then read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
For responsible BVE Development

Note - the developer retains the copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the 'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail.

WJ-MKC Add-ons

Class 321 Route Add-on - New! 17th April 2002
Information WJ-MKC High Detail Class 321 EMU, Semi-fast and Slow Silverlink timings

Author: Steve Green (www.trainsimcentral.co.uk)

The Class 321 add-on features four new route files, all in "High Detail" format, and both Summer and Winter variations are included. To enjoy these additional routes, you also need Steve's superb Class 321 EMU, available from the "BVE Trains" section of Train Sim Central

Once installed, 4 new route files will be placed in the 'WJ-MKC_High Detail' route folder:

  • HighDetail_321_SemiFast_Summer.rw
  • HighDetail_321_SemiFast_Winter.rw
  • HighDetail_321_Slow_Summer.rw
  • HighDetail_321_Slow_Winter.rw
Being a version of the existing High Detail routes, the same High Detail hardware requirements apply.

Installation: Simply run the self-extracting archive, and choose the folder in which BVE is installed ('C:\Program Files\BVE' by default). Click the 'Install' button, and the route file will be extracted to it's correct location within your BVE folder. Note that the directory structure contained within the archive is configured for BVE2. Also note, you need to have all the main WJ-MKC v1.1 downloads installed for this route add-on to work.

BVE Track Sound Standard [BVETSS] Compliant - Click for more details BVE Track Sound Standard Compliant

Cl321 Add-on
High Detail Add-on (for Class 321 available from the "BVE Trains" section of Train Sim Central, Semi-fast/Slow, Summer and Winter variations) [Updated 05/06/2002]

Want to use any of my files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms and Conditions first, and then read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
For responsible BVE Development

Note - the developer retains the copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the 'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail.

WJ-MKC High Detail Class 87, Dusk-Night, Winter version using 'Graduated Light Effects
Information WJ-MKC High Detail Class 87, Dusk-Night, Winter version using 'Graduated Light Effects'

Author: Bryan Dudley (Railtech)

This is Bryan's conversion of the former daylight High Detail, Class 87 Winter version to include dusk and night time lighting, using the 'Graduated Light Effects' technique. A little light remains on departure from Watford Junction, but it'll be dark by the time Milton Keynes is reached...

Once installed, a new route file - 'HighDetail_87_Winter (GLE).rw' will be placed in the 'WJ-MKC_High Detail' route folder.

Being a version of the existing High Detail routes, the same High Detail hardware requirements apply.

Installation: Simply run the self-extracting archive, and choose the folder in which BVE is installed ('C:\Program Files\BVE' by default). Click the 'Install' button, and the route file will be extracted to it's correct location within your BVE folder. Note that the directory structure contained within the archive is configured for BVE2. Also note, you need to have all the main WJ-MKC v1.1 downloads installed for this route add-on to work.

BVE Track Sound Standard [BVETSS] Compliant - Click for more details BVE Track Sound Standard Compliant

Medium/High Detail Add-on (for Class 87 and Class 310, Summer and Winter) [Updated 05/06/2002]

Want to use any of my files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms and Conditions first, and then read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
For responsible BVE Development

Note - the developer retains the copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the 'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail.

Copyright © Anthony Bowden, 2002 unless otherwise stated. Click here for details. No part of this site may be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Contributors to downloads on this site retain ownership and respective copyright of their material. Direct linking to files on this site is prohibited, and the material on this site may not be hosted elsewhere without permission. Please do not use any material in your own add-ons without seeking permission first. BVE Developer Guidelines - Click for more details
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