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Birmingham Cross-City South |
X-City South (Redditch - Birmingham New St.) BVE Route - Downloads |
read through this page carefully; should a problem arise, the answer may be found in here somewhere...
Thank you for downloading the Birmingham Cross-City South BVE route. For
information or help with any aspect of the route, or the Class 323 included with the Cross-City route,
please drop me an e-mail.
Please note, that the Cross-City route is a highly demanding route which
includes complex scenery and objects, and features abundant detail. While the route has been made available
in several "Detail Levels" in an effort to make the route accessible to more users, to truly enjoy
the best experience from the route, a 1 GHz processor and 32 MB graphics card are recommended for running
the High Detail version which offers the best visual experience.
new in the Cross-City South? |
With the Birmingham Cross-City South route, several new details and/or features
are introduced to BVE, which are detailed here.
New Features Introduced with the Cross-City South
- An all new, enhanced catenary system (High Detail route only)
offering truly realistic catenary overlaps, booster transformers, "zig-zagging" wires
throughout the length of the route, 3D effect cantilevers (GeForce users only), and accurate wiring runs
over pointwork. Also introduces new, extended length "point to point" sagging catenary
wires (High Detail route only) - regardless of the distance between catenary masts, the wires run
straight from support to support without curving with the track as with Watford Junction to Milton
Keynes, because the wire objects are longer than 25 metres.
- Enhanced passing train sound effects, with custom samples
individually tailored to different classes of locos which are passed. This feature is a development of
the passing train sound effects pioneered in Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central.
- Angled "Alpha" Shadows; passing trains now cast
shadows across the tracks, and the direction the shadows are being cast corresponds to the time of day.
- "City Glow" effects; when passing thorugh stations at
night, the ambient light levels increase as station lights are passed.
- "MultiObject" system; combats BVE's 255 Free Object
limit by merging separate objects into single files, the visible object being determined by it's
rotation and height settings.
Enhancements in the Cross-City South compared with
Watford Junction to Milton Keynes Central
- Daytime Summer/Winter, Dawn, Dusk, and Night routes included as
- Falling Snow in the Winter runs; adapted from the falling snow
objects by Robert Glass [],
in turn adapted from the original falling rain technique and idea developed by Paul Woozley [].
- Smooth curves throughout; all trackwork is composed of track
objects which feature smooth rail curvature, and 3D rails.
- More informative and useful markers; more advance warning of
upcoming speed restrictions and station stops, and landmark markers are included.
- Wider variety of track sounds, including continuous welded and
jointed rails, on both wooden and concrete sleepers, in-tunnel sounds (continuous welded rail and
jointed rail), under/over bridge sounds, and so-on.
- Realistic flange squeal effects, several samples are included.
- Far greater permanent way infrastructure detail, including
detailed point motors, TPWS loops, flange lubricators, rail chairs on sleepers, etc.
- Detailed TPWS loops; fitted to the track in several locations,
making the route "TPWS Ready".
- New signs, including 3D whistle boards, gradient posts and
mileposts, as well as advance speed warning boards, station stop signs, etc.
- Approach controlled signals, using BVE standard signalling
combined with AWS sounds.
- In-tunnel lighting effects, in appropriate tunnels en-route.
- Station announcements; the infamous New Street auto-announcer.
- Greater number of lineside buildings, including houses,
factories, warehouses, huts, and so-on.
- Higher quality 3D train objects, including a wider variety of
types, including classes 20, 43, 47, 56, 60, 67, 86, 87, 150, 170, and 323. Amongst others! Note:
Classes 150, 170 and 323 courtesy of Steve Green [],
class 47 courtesy of Robert Glass [].
Street, and what it may do to your PC! |
The scene at Birmingham New Street is one of the most complex 3D scenes to be
rendered in any UK BVE route, and as such it will cause a drop in framerates due to the tremendous amount of
detail required to re-create this busy location. Even on a 1GHz Athlon, the approach and station throat at
New Street station will halve your framerate. On a slower PC, don't be at all surprised if your framerate
drops to nearer the 5 fps mark. There is really nothing which can be done about this without spoiling the
scene, unfortunately!
All the routes are available in 4 separate "Detail Levels", tailored
for different ranges of hardware. It is recommended that different detail levels be tried until the best
balance between detail and performance is found. The details levels are:
- High Detail For 1GHz machines and above,
with good 3D accelerators such as 32-64MB GeForce3, ATi Radeon, or Voodoo5
cards. Includes all features outlined earlier on this page, namely the new realistic catenary system,
permanent way infrastructure detail, high tree density, high detail station structures, etc.
- Medium Detail For 800MHz machines and
above, with good 3D accelerators such as 32-64MB GeForce3, ATi Radeon, or
Voodoo5. Retains all of the detail featured within the High Detail route, except for the new
catenary details introduced with the Cross-City South High Detail route, namely the "point to point",
"zig-zagging" and sagging overhead wires, and catenary overlaps.
- Standard Detail For PII 500 machines and
above. Simple catenary is used, and tree density is lower, however the scenery as a whole retains
much of the detail of the High Detail route. Smooth curves and infrastructure detail remain.
- Low Detail For PII 266 machines and above.
Simple catenary is used, very few trees are featured in the terrain, and some objects such as station
buildings are simplified to reduce pausing. Smooth curves and infrastructure detail remains however.
The Cross-City South is available in five flavours, the Daytime Summer, Daytime
Winter, Dawn, Dusk and "Midnight ECS" runs.
In the Daytime runs, you're in charge of the
2R46, 09:31 Redditch to Lichfield Trent Valley service, as far as Birmingham New Street. Watch out for icy
rail conditions on the Winter run!
In the Dawn run, you're in charge of the 2R08,
06:25 Redditch to Blake Street service, as far as Birmingham New Street. Watch the dawn skies become
gradually lighter as you approach the city, and keep an eye out for interesting traction en-route!
In the Dusk run, you're in charge of the 2R82,
19:31 Redditch to Lichfield Trent Valley service, as far as Birmingham New Street. By this time postal
services are running, and watch the sun finally set as you progress along your journey.
In the "Midnight ECS" run, you're in
charge of the 5R91, 00:17 empty coaching stock turn, non-stop all the way from Redditch to Birmingham New
Street. Admire the well lit and deserted stations as you speed along, but watch out for the overnight
engineering works!
the Route and Class 323 |
The Class 323 25kV AC EMU included with the Cross-City South route is a joint
effort between Steve Green []
and myself. I'd recommend pressing the "Q" key while the route loads, so that the power handle is
in the "Off" position when the route has finished loading - then you can see the indicator lights
and reverser lever switching over when the "EB" brake position is selected.
The 323's unique 3 phase AC traction motor sounds are difficult to re-create,
however a reasonable approximation can be made if the 323 is driven correctly. To allow the "phase
change" sounds to play more realistically, it's recommended that while accelerating from a standing
start, the "Z" key is held down continuously until power handle position P4 is reached, thereby
speeding up the playback of the traction motor phase changes.
The route makes great use of sound as you drive along it, and some of these
sounds are played through only the left or right speaker, depending on which side of the train the sound is
originating. Therefore, make sure that stereo headphones or speakers are used. I also recommend turning the
volume on your speakers/headphones as high as possible - to enjoy the route in all it's glory you have to
experience the ambient sounds as loudly as possible. :o)
New markers have also been added to the route, to assist in determining the
correct stopping position at stations:
Station markers with "3 Car Stop" signs,
generally indicate that the correct stopping point is half-way along the length of a platform - look for
the sign on the platform itself. |
Station markers with the "S" sign, usually
indicate that the correct stopping point is near the end of a platform - look for the sign on the
platform itself. |
Effects and Framerates |
The Winter routes feature falling snow effects, which work well with high end
graphics cards such as the GeForce3. On some video cards however, in particular GeForceMX, older ATi cards,
and on-board graphics controllers, may not handle these effects very well, causing a drastic reduction in
framerates. If you find the framerate becomes unacceptably low during snowfall, then you can disable this
effect by following these instructions.
Open Windows Explorer, and find your BVE program folder, usually "C:\Program
Files\BVE\". Now go into the "Railway\Route\Bham_X-City_South\" folder, from here locate the
specific Winter route file you want to edit (it will be named "xxxxxDetail_323_Winter.csv").
Right-click on the Winter route file of your choosing, and open the file using Wordpad. Once the file is
open, scroll down until you see the following line:
Bham_X-City_South\Day\Winter\Weather\snow1.csv, |
Replace this line with the following:
.Rail(22) Bham_X-City_South\Day\Winter\null.csv, |
Now save the route file, and when it's loaded in BVE you should find the
snowfall no longer appears, only the visibility will reduce.
Official Guide to the Cross-City South |
There is an official guide to the Birmingham Cross-City South, prepared
and compiled by Matt Starkie. The guide is invaluable as it lists all the
mileages of signals and major landmarks, which will increase your route knowledge and also aid realism as
you drive! Please visit Matt's Rail By Rail
site to download the Official Guide.
Issues and Usage of Cross-City Files |
The route package is provided as freeware, however if you would like to use any
files from the Cross-City folders (including, but not limited to: .B3D, .BMP, .CFG, .CSV, .DAT, .GIF, .WAV,
.TXT format files), then please read my Terms and Conditions, and then send
me an e-mail to seek permission first -I can be contacted via the Contact
page. Permission to use material is granted on a per-file basis, which can be agreed via e-mail. If you wish
to modify any CSV object, bitmap, or any other type of file from the Cross-City folders, then you should
seek permission to make any changes first, and once the changes are agreed you should ensure the original
copyright header is left intact at the start of the file. Your name may also be added to the header to
reflect any work you have done with the object. Finally, credit should be clearly given for any individual
files or groups of files which are used, in the form of my name and a link back to my website [],
in any "Readme", beside any screenshot or collection of screenshots featuring significant portions
of my work, and on any download page.
Please also note, that this route and train combination is freeware, however no
material contained within the Cross-City South or cl323 folders may be distributed on disk, CD, or any other
medium without my prior written permission, and if permission is granted then all Readme HTML, GIF and TXT
files should be retained with the route in an unmodified form. The material contained within the Cross-City
South and cl323 folders may not be sold at any price or for profit under any circumstances.
Not all files contained within the Cross-City South route are my own work -
some files have been used with permission from other authors. To use these files permission must be obtained
from myself and the original author. Please see the route documentation for details of these specific files.
If you want to use any of my work, or the work of other BVE developers in your
own add-ons, please read the BVE Developer Guidelines before you start on your own projects. This will hhelp
you to avoid any accidental breaches of copyright, or other such trouble.

For responsible BVE Development |
Thanks in particular goes to the following people, without whom the Cross-City
wouldn't have been nearly as detailed, accurate, complete or enjoyable to build:
Steve Green |
For supplying invaluable route data, offering useful feedback on the accuracy of the route, for kindly
offering to build the class 150, 170 and 323 CSV objects and textures for the Cross-City South, for
working with me to bring into existence the new Class 323 EMU, and of course for extensive route
testing. |
Glass |
For conducting extensive testing the route on several occasions, providing extra inspiration and
feedback where various aspects of the route are concerned; for helping with the maths involved in
calculating the "smooth curves" used in the trackwork; for giving me the idea for using CSV
Cylinder commands to re-create more realistic headlight effects, for allowing me to use and adapt his "Falling
Snow" objects from his excellent Sandymill to Invermay Seasonal Special, and for allowing the use
of his class 37, 47 and Merry-Go Round coal hopper wagon objects. |
Barton |
For supplying some
excellent photographs which have enabled a more photo-realistic class 323 cab interior to be created,
and also for Beta testing the route and offering advice on enhancing accuracy. |
Wilson |
For offering his expert
feedback on the accuracy of the route, and for supplying a class 323 cab photo from which the current
323 gauges have been made. |
Cartmell |
For his extremely helpful
and consctructive feedback and advice, for advising on the accuracy of aspects of the route, and for
thoroughly testing the route on more than one occasion. |
Townsend |
For helping with various
textures used in the route, not least certain station sign bitmaps, the RES liveried textures for the
Mk1 and GUV coaching stock, and for working with Robert Glass to create the EWS textures used with the
Class 37 CSV object. Also for testing the route and providing feedback on more than one occasion. |
Lee |
For being very kind and writing a superb review of the "Pre-Beta" preview of the Cross-City
South, and for testing the route and offering helpful and encouraging feedback. |
Dudley |
For supplying some superb backdrop images which transformed the visual appearance of the route, and for
testing the route on more than one occasion, including Beta testing, and offering helpful feedback. |
Totney |
For testing the route on
numerous occasions, offering helpful feedback, suggestions and support throught the development of the
Cross-City project. |
Haywood |
For being extremely
helpful during the Beta testing, for taking the time to send thorough feedback, and for his
encouragement and support for the Cross-City project. |
Cross |
. For originally suggesting I add shadows under the passing trains, which led me to develop my "Alpha
Enabled" angled shadow effects. |
Morgan |
For supplying a superb
sound sample for the tamper featured in the "Midnight ECS" run. |
Owen |
For supplying an excellent sound sample for the class 66 passing train sounds, and for the digital AWS
samples. |
Slater |
For kindly allowing one of his sound samples (class 20 passing train sound) to be used in the Cross-City
South route. |
Clarke |
For assisting with the route's signalling, and helping to remove signal warning messages from displaying
within BVE. |
And thanks also goes to my dedicated (and extensive!) team of Alpha and Beta
testers, who have ensured that nothing less than the highest standards have been maintained. Special thanks
goes to my Development/Alpha Testers who have been kind enough to periodically test the route as it
developed, and locate problems before they became too difficult to fix!
Alpha/Development Testers
Surnames A-Z:
Matthew Callaghan |
Andy Martin |
Richard Cartmell |
Alastair Ribbands |
Bryan Dudley |
Alex Totney |
Robert Glass |
Simon Townsend |
Steve Green |
Matt Wilson |
Alan Lee |
Beta Testers
Surnames A-Z:
Dave Barton |
Rich Haywood |
Alan Perryman |
Joe Boyd |
Paul Jobber |
Barney |
Matthew Callaghan |
David Johnson |
Matt Taylor |
Richard Cartmell |
Matt Lacey |
Simon Townsend |
Don Clarke |
Alan Lee |
Alex Totney |
Chris Cooper |
Chris Luff |
Dominik Tuchowicz |
Bryan Dudley |
Ben Martill |
Matt Wilson |
Robert Glass |
Andy Martin |
Adam Witkowski |
Steve Green |
Jason Morgan |
Keith Hazleton |
Robert Nicholson |
If I have inadvertently missed anyone from the credits list, please let me
South Downloads |
Birmingham Cross-City South
The Birmingham Cross-City South route is split up
into six main downloads - Daytime Summer/Winter Objects, Dawn/Dusk/Nightime Objects, Route Files,
Sounds1 and 2, and the Class 323.
Please note, that with regard to "Replacement Textures" for
different video cards, I have done the reverse of what I did with Watford Junction to Milton Keynes,
and the "GeForce Textures" are included as standard in the main
download, and are ready for use without the use of patches. This is because the route was
developed with higher end PC's and GeForce graphics cards in mind. You should also
use the default GeForce textures if you use an ATi graphics card.
If you use a Voodoo or TNT2 graphics card, you
should install the "Voodoo Texture Patch" to obtain better looking catenary and
If you're not sure which textures you should use, then simply try the
route twice with the GeForce and Voodoo textures installed, and see which gives the best visual
effect - on your PC the route should look as close to the screenshots on this site as possible.
Installation: Simply run the self-extracting archives, and
choose the folder in which BVE2 is installed ('C:\Program Files\BVE' by default). Click the
'Install' button, and all the files will be extracted to their correct locations within your BVE
folder. Note that the directory structure contained within the archives is configured for BVE2.
If you haven't done so already, please also install the "UK Signal
Textures" from the bottom of the "BVE Routes" page of Steve Green's
Train Sim Central. This will cause
BVE to display UK style signal aspects and LED matrix banner repeaters, which the Cross-City South
And remember - to get the best performance from the
route, ensure that BVE is closed and restarted before loading or switching between any X-City
routes! Restarting Windows prior to loading the routes might also be wise...
BVE Track Sound Standard Compliant

Objects |
(2.54MB) |
Daytime objects, textures and
markers. Includes Readme. |

Objects |
(1.86MB) |
Dawn/dusk/nightime objects, textures
and markers. |

Files |
(521KB) |
Route files (all detail levels and
route variations). [Updated 03/06/2002] |

Files 1 |
(2.53MB) |
Sound files (1st part) for use by
all route variations. [Updated 03/06/2002] |

Files 2 |
(1.27MB) |
Sound files (2nd part) for use by
all route variations. |

323 EMU |
(1.1MB) |
Class 323 25kV AC EMU, by Steve
Green and Anthony Bowden. You need at least BVE version 2.03.0008 for the new full height cab to
work. The class 323 is also available from Steve's Train
Sim Central. [Updated 05/06/2002]
If you experience problems with the full height cab graphics, such
as reduced framerates, or you're still using an older version of BVE, then you can download a
480x200 panel here. |
Want to use any of my
files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms
and Conditions first, and then read the
BVE Developer
Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

For responsible BVE

Don't forget the official WJ-MKC guide, compiled by Matt Starkie,
and available from his Rail By Rail
Note - the developer retains the
copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the
'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail. |
Birmingham Cross-City South Texture
Please download the texture patch which is most
appropriate for your video card. Please note, the "GeForce/ATi Textures" are already
included in the main download, they are merely available seperately for your convenience. If you use
a Voodoo or TNT2 graphics card, you should install the "Voodoo Texture
Patch" to obtain better looking catenary and fencing.
The choice of textures used depends on your video hardware; the way
transparent textures are displayed by different cards can affect the way such details as catenary
cantilievers and wire fencing are displayed in BVE. If the wrong textures are used, such details as
catenary headspans, signal cages, or signal ladders may not appear, or seem invisible.
Alternatively, the catenary may appear 'blocky', with the lines appearing much thicker than they
should be. Choosing the correct texture patch should solve most of these problems.
If you're not sure which textures you should use, then simply try the
route twice with the GeForce and Voodoo textures installed, and see which gives the best visual
effect - on your PC the route should look as close to the screenshots on this site as possible.

Textures |
(457KB) |
'Replacement GeForce/ATi Transparency Textures' -
for ALL route versions. For use with GeForce and ATi cards. |

Textures |
(449KB) |
'Replacement Voodoo/TNT2 Transparency Textures' -
for ALL route versions. For use with Voodoo and TNT2 cards. |
Want to use any of my
files in your own work, or modify my routes? Read my Terms
and Conditions first, and then read the
BVE Developer
Guidelines before you start, to avoid getting into trouble over copyright!

For responsible BVE
Note - the developer retains the
copyright and ownership of the material contained within these downloads (unless otherwise stated in the
'Readme'). If you would like to use any material, please contact me via e-mail. |
© Anthony Bowden, 2002 unless otherwise stated. Click here for
details. No part of this site may be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Contributors to downloads on
this site retain ownership and respective copyright of their material. Direct linking to files on this site
is prohibited, and the material on this site may not be hosted elsewhere without permission. Please
do not use any material in your own add-ons without seeking permission first.